eco-friendly, intuitive, and dignified end-of-life solutions

Built for the future. Launching in 2023.

our mission.

morta is bringing death to the 21st century with eco-friendly, elegant, and uncomplicated end of life solutions.

for too long the death ecosystem has remained complex, expensive, tedious, and insensitive. we’re here to change that.

our technologies and infrastructure are designed to seamlessly help you plan for and honor your loved ones without the hoops and headaches. all without taking a toll on the environment.

our first step.

water cremation & online end-of-life planning


over the last decade, cremation has become the most prevalent method of ushering our loved ones off this earth. unfortunately, with every cremation releasing the same amount of CO2 as a 1,000 mile road trip (~600lbs), it’s impact on the environment is not good.

morta is establishing new standards for sustainable and modern death solutions. our first step will be to launch an environmentally friendly water crematorium that releases zero emissions and uses 90% less fuel than traditional crematoriums.

in addition, our end-to-end online planning platform works to eliminate unnecessary steps and administrative tasks so you can focus on what matters.